Home learning is an essential part of the curriculum as it consolidates learning in class as well as helping students to build resilience and independence. Students are given home learning tasks across all their subjects. The tasks are set through Microsoft TEAMS Assignments. Reading is a vital skill which helps students to progress in all subjects. Reading fluently also increases students’ overall well-being. Therefore, we require that all students read for at least 30 minutes three times a week. There is an advice sheet for parents as well as a reading book list and reading log sheet. We ask that all parents encourage their children to read as much as possible both fictional and non-fictional texts. Core subjects are set on a weekly basis. Tasks set for KS3 for other subjects may be more creative and designed to encourage a love for a subject as well as developing an idea of how the subject is relevant in the real world. Class teachers will provide specific deadlines and check that work has been completed. A Home-learning overview will be provided to parents via a weekly email which will outline how many tasks have been completed or not. Teachers will give praise points for work produced and c1 for work not completed. Department detentions may be set for persistent non-completion of work.
At KS4 students will receive compulsory home learning tasks from all their subjects. Each subject will have their own policy regarding the frequency of the task. These tasks will often be exam focussed and will be set via Microsoft TEAMS and Assignments.
Please contact your child’s tutor if you have any questions about home learning.