Pupil Premium at Neale-Wade Academy


Pupils Premium is additional funding given to schools so they can support their disadvantaged pupils and close the attainment gap between them and their peers. The Government believes that Head teachers and school leaders should decide how to use the pupil premium. They are accountable for the decisions they make through:

  • The performance tables which show the attainment and progress of disadvantaged pupils compared with their peers
  • The Ofsted common inspection framework, under which inspectors focus on the attainment and progress of pupil groups, and in particular those who are eligible for pupil premium
  • The reports for parents that schools have to publish online

Pupil Premium Principles

1. Improve progress and attainment

This is the key principle of Pupil Premium. We want every student to have the opportunity to make excellent progress and realise their full their considerable potential. Our aim is to remove any barriers to learning and offer targeted support and advice to improve the knowledge, skills and understanding of the curriculum.

2. Enrich students’ lives through new opportunities and a creative curriculum

We want every student to have opportunities outside ‘classroom’ learning and to develop a variety of life skills that will help them to be socially aware and develop confidence. We want students to have high aspirations and learn to be comfortable in a range of environments and circumstances.

3. Encourage excellence

We want to offer behavioural and social support and reward consistent excellence and sustained improvement to create safe and supportive learning environments for all students.

4. Ensure there is no hardship that hinders learning

We want all students to have all of the equipment, uniform, resources and technology they need to succeed in education. We want pupils to feel safe on the journey to and from school at school, as well as at school and have excellent attendance and punctuality.


Hardship Form 

Request for Financial Assistance 2023 - 2024


Pupil Premium

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