We all want our students to succeed and one of the best ways for this to happen is for them to attend school every day.  The only reasons for absence should be through illness or an exceptional circumstance.

Parents have a legal duty to ensure that their child receives an education.

If you know or think that your child is having difficulties attending school you should contact the Year team concerned.  It is better to do this sooner rather than later so that we can deal with the issue as quickly as possible.

Reporting Absence

Absences can be reported by the following ways:

  • Phone the Academy on 01354 606000 - select Option 1 'Student Absence'
  • Email the appropriate Pastoral Assistant

Please report each morning of the absence.

If we do not receive an explanation for an absence, it will be recorded as unauthorised.  The Year office will contact home each day should they not received an explanation for an absence.

Students late for registration or lessons

Please make sure that your child arrives at school by 8.45am ready for Tutor time to start at 8:50am.  If a student is late to school, they will receive an hour after school detention the next day. If a student is late to lessons three times in a week, they will be requested to attend an after-school detention.

Exceptional Circumstances

  • Unavoidable medical or dental appointments: Please arrange for appointments to take place outside the school day.  If this is not possible, please ensure that your child misses the minimum amount of time possible and brings evidence to school of the appointment.
  • Days of religious observance
  • Exceptional family circumstances ie bereavement
  • An interview with a prospective employer or college (evidence required)

Holidays within school time

Taking time off for holidays interferes with students' learning and progress.  In addition, students' exam results may be affected; they may miss important exams or controlled assessments.

In line with the Local Authority it is the policy of Neale-Wade Academy to expect attendance to be 100%, unless there are exceptional or unavoidable reasons for absence, which will then be authorised.

The Local Authority have amended the Penalty Notice Code of Conduct to take into account the Supreme Court Judgement (Isle of Wight v Platt). The change in policy is that now Penalty Notices may be issued for unauthorised absences of at least three consecutive school days or more, over a four week period.

The school is not required to give any warning of the issue of a Penalty Notice to each parent/carer, and is requested to implement this policy change with immediate effect.

Holiday requests should be put in writing to the Principal of the Academy.


Attendance Policies

Updated: 05/10/2023 1.81 MB