Opportunity + Success = Pride Confidence

Geography Intent

Geography Curriculum Map

Upon arrival and Neale Wade,  students’ awareness of the wider world, culture, places, natural processes and global events varies greatly, and many students can be limited to awareness and influences from informative and social media.  Therefore varied, engaging, relevant and informative lessons are required to maintain levels of interest and address many misconceptions students may have, providing them with information to allow them to create their own opinions and understanding on places, events and processes locally and globally. Our curriculum from Key stage 3 to 5 inspires curiosity and fascination about the world bringing the foundation concepts of processes to life building awareness of cultural and social diversity. ​

​We carefully sequence our teaching to build up the necessary knowledge and skills to construct schema enabling a long-term learning covering and beyond the National Curriculum from Key Stage 3 to Key Stage 5. We are following a program with repetition and spiral learning interleaving to engage and increase knowledge, key processes of the local and wider world including and beyond the National Curriculum based on government educational research and Geographical associations research.  Key concepts are revisited at the start of each lesson with the Do Now and links to current and future study are made, and misconception can be identified and addressed. These process, skills and knowledge can then be readdressed if required at the start of lessons and built upon.   ​

​We introduce new and fascinating topics in a carefully designed sequence to kindle learners’ interest in the subject. We start the learning journey in Year 7 by building skills they use throughout their study in Geography at Neale Wade moving on to enhancing and embedding these in different situations and topics. Moving on to start looking at human, physical, political and environmental geography in China to engage and intrigue their interest in the subject while expanding their knowledge of the variety of environments and cultures in the world. ​

At Key Stage 4 we build on prior learning developing and expanding domain of knowledge and skills.  Our units of work are very carefully sequenced to allow students to access the human and physical aspects over year 10 and then following on in year 11.  We build upon exam skills that start in Key stage 3 and ensure students learn to structure extended answers from the fort term in year 10.  Students are provided with a range of revision resources and homework based about revisit prior units and accessing understanding with a range of examination style questions.  ​

At Key Stage 5 we take the AQA syllabus building on their knowledge and skills from prior learning at Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4.

Geography Reading Approach

Geography Assessment Approach