Opportunity + Success = Pride Confidence

Maths Intent

Maths Curriculum Map

Students' progress through the Maths curriculum in different ways. We have a small but significant group who will go on to study maths at university level. We have students who go on to apply maths in their post-16 studies via a level 3 route, and finally around one fifth of our cohort can sometimes have difficulty in developing necessary levels of numeracy and life-skills. Functional maths in real-world contexts is of key importance to these students. We value all students equally, and we are committed to providing a learning environment where all are given conceptual understanding, so that their confidence can be built up and they are not afraid to make mistakes.  .​

​We carefully sequence our teaching to build up the necessary knowledge and skills to construct schema in student's minds enabling long term learning. We plan each year to introduce threshold concepts in an order which helps students to progress, so they have the necessary skills and knowledge to build on when meeting new units.  Key concepts are revisited frequently both within lessons and via careful setting of homework so that knowledge is internalised and built upon.  Important topics are covered early in the year and key ideas are used and reinforced and developed through other topics.​

​Throughout their seven- or five-year journey at Neale Wade Academy we strive to provide all our students with an excellent experience through our mathematics curriculum.  We have carefully built this curriculum from first principles to meet the needs of our learners, and we believe that it provides them an excellent platform for academic success, life-long love of maths, and the numeracy skills required to make informed decisions in the modern world.

Maths Reading Approach

Maths Assessment Approach