Opportunity + Success = Pride Confidence

Physical Education Intent

Physical Education Curriculum Map

Our PE curriculum at Neale-Wade Academy has the focus of enabling students to build a love and appreciation for physical activity, so they confidently participate in exercise beyond school and can lead and maintain a healthy active lifestyle in adulthood. The curriculum has also been designed to break down gender stereotypes and build the cultural capital gap within the community. All pupils at Key Stage 3 explore; football, netball, rugby, dance, striking & fielding, athletics, fitness and net & wall games. ​

The sequence of learning from Year 7 through to Year 9 provides students with the opportunity to deepen their understanding and construct schemas through the exploration of advanced skills and tactical application. These schemas are then used in Key Stage 4 when pupils select a pathway, they feel is best suited to them and their interests; Competitive, Individual, Health & Fitness. These pathways provide sports/activities that pupils have not yet explored in PE lessons yet allows them to transfer prior knowledge and understanding from Key Stage 3 topics. Running alongside the core PE curriculum is an extensive range of enrichment opportunities, this curriculum is accessible for all students and is a way for pupils to further develop character skills through working with pupils from different year groups and sharing their own experiences. We have also sequenced the curriculum in a way that provides students the opportunity to apply skills into competitive contexts against local and national schools.​

Students' progress through the PE curriculum in different ways. A large proportion of our pupils actively participate in either sport or physical activity outside of school hours, to which most compete and represent a local team. Each year we have over 50% of the cohort select to complete a vocational qualification at Level 2 in either Sport or Dance. We then have students opt in to extend their learning further by attending Neale-Wade 6th form and achieve a Level 3 Diploma in Sport. We sequence the BTEC Level 2 Sport qualification in the order Pearson recommends, this way the content explored in the 2 internal components in year 10 dovetails nicely into the external exam in Year 11. This is similar in KS5, units the students complete that have similar content to components completed in Year 11 are scheduled in Year 12 so they have the prior knowledge fresh in their mind to transfer into their coursework​

Physical Education Reading Approach

Physical Education Assessment Approach