Opportunity + Success = Pride Confidence

Food & Catering Intent

Food & Catering Curriculum Map

Our curriculum is engaging, inspiring and interactive so that students can explore a range of topics on healthy eating, nutrition and learn how to prepare, make and cook a range of mainly savoury dishes.​

​We carefully sequence our learning in the order that we do because students have had very little, some nothing, exposure to theory and/or practical food and nutrition teaching at KS2 or home. We have a broad KS3 curriculum to allow students to explore a range of factors and subjects within healthy eating and nutrition plus they learn to develop new skills which they will take with them for their future life and create strong, independent citizens who can ask important questions and critically assess the information they receive to make educated judgements and choices throughout life.​

​Progression takes into account starting points at KS2 by an analysis of feeder schools curriculums. At KS3 we introduce the fascinating and wonderful world of food, nutrition and healthy eating. Year 7’s start by exploring hazards, health and safety in the kitchen, the Eatwell Guide, nutrients and their functions, sources and food choices. This flows into Year 8 as students learn more about the nutrients individually and their structure and functions. They will then explore special dietary needs looking at them through the eyes of a person with cultural and/or ethical beliefs and learn about why we should be appreciative of other’s choices. They continue to cook a range of predominantly savoury dishes but with more complex skills. Year 9 will learn about a wider range of factors that influence food choices and culture such as environmental issues, food costs, seasonality and availability.​

​At KS4 students can opt to study a Level ½ Vocational Award in Hospitality & Catering which draws on much of the knowledge from KS3 plus a number of new topics such as types of establishments, job roles, regulations and laws. They will also widen their practical preparation, cooking and presentation skills by making a wide range of savoury and sweet dishes.​

Students can continue to other settings for two food courses (Level 3 Food Science & Nutrition, Level 3 Hospitality & Catering) which can lead onto different degrees, apprenticeships and jobs in one of the biggest sectors in the UK and the World. ​

Food & Catering Reading Approach

Food & Catering Approach